UCSC GitLab - Development Instance

Welcome to GitLab for Instruction - \textcolor{red}{\text{Development Instance!}}

UCSC staff, faculty, and students can create projects for instructional and non-commercial academic research. For full details on this service, visit its.ucsc.edu/gitlab.

If you have any problems or questions, please email githelp@ucsc.edu.

Planned maintenance for the GitLab/Git service is the third Thursday of the month from 9 am - 11 am PST. The service may be unavailable during these times. Server security patching will be scheduled on a Saturday in the Spring and Fall. Dates to be determined. \textcolor{red}{\text{Note the development instance may be undergoing maintenance at any time.}}

Creating an account

Please make sure you are on the register tab and follow these instructions. You must use your UCSC email address {CruzlD} to sign up. The process will require responding to an email sent to that address, so please make sure you use your email address. The username you use to register must match your email address, and should be your CruzlD (the one listed on class rosters).

Note that the username you enter into the system when you log in (after you've created your account) should not end in @ucsc.edu. For example, if your email address is jexample@ucsc.edu, you should enter jexample into the "Login" box. The password for this system is separate from your CruzlD Blue and CruzlD Gold.

UCSC GitLab - Development Instance